What should I buy for my friend who has failed an important exam?

Failure in an examination can make someone feel very bad about themselves and ultimately leads to embarrassment, hopelessness and low-self confidence. It’s such a hard time for people, but there are a lot of ways you can help your friend and encourage him/her so that he/she may heal from disappointment. Kind words hold a significant value when it comes to empathizing someone whether you do it by making them realize that failure doesn’t define them and everyone sometimes fails in their lives at something as nobody leads a perfect life. In addition to helping them deal with their failures and offering them ways forward by your kind words, you can also gift them some encouraging gifts to let them know they are not alone, you are always by his/her side and induce positive energy around them. Here are some great gift ideas that might help!

Inspirational keychain

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The confidence of your friend would be shaken to a great extent because of the failure, and that’s quite obvious. Even though you cannot compensate that failure, but all you can do is to spread positivity around him so that he doesn’t feel bad about himself and it’s like the end of this world. The keychain with an uplifting message will surely promote a lifestyle of positivity, optimism and mindfulness that is needed the most at this particular time for him/her. Let him/her know how brave he/she is and how much potential he/she got to overcome any challenges the life may offer. No matter how life treats them, they are always capable of doing something great.

Motivational and thoughtful jar

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A motivation keeps us going through the hardest times of life, and it’s quite essential for someone who’s become hopeless and is going through depressive thoughts because of his/her failure. This jar contains 365 inspirational and motivational quotes that provide simple reminders and words of wisdom to inspire them towards their successes and motivates them to not lose hope and keep trying harder. Gifting this jar of positive words will boost positive energy and expected to bring a smile on their face and let’s face it, we could always welcome a reason to smile!

What Your Heart Needs for the Hard Days Journal

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We all have hard days and sometimes they are so intense that we want to give up, retreat inside ourselves and make us drown our sorrows anyways. A failure provokes the most heart-breaking and overwhelming emotions that make the person feel extremely inferior, deficient and imperfect about himself. If your friend is going through such a situation, this is an ideal devotional book. It re-establishes a sense of confidence that’s lost by empowering one’s faith in God’s character and promises and consoles with the belief that everything’s going to be okay. Once they have rebuilt their confidence, they’ll realize there’s so much to be grateful for, and they can achieve next time for what they craved for.

Wall art

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You can change the hopeless mindset of your friend with the help of this optimistic wall art. In addition to giving a positive, inspirational message, this wall art equally enhances the look and feel of any space. It can easily be applied or removed from any hard and smooth surface and is a perfect reminder for your friend to have a belief in himself that matters the most above all.

Words of affirmation cards

alt text The feelings of pessimism can prevail in your friend who has failed in an examination, but it’s not the end of the world, right? Then, show him/her up that she is capable of doing much more, and life doesn’t end here. This box consists of 50 positive affirmatory cards that will help them heal and help themselves to rebuild their self-love, self-confidence and self-esteem that might be lacking in their current situation.

There’s nothing better than comforting someone and make them realize their self-worth. The more positivity you endeavor, the better the other performs with healthy well-being and a healthy mind. Mental health plays a significant role in how you deal with life affairs, so it’s better to gift your friend something that is healthy for his mental health.